April Showers Bring May Flowers…Trust it

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  The energy of the universe is grounded in the energy of seed, time, and harvest.  Our lives mirror this energy. Our energy is a habit. When we are aware of what ignites our energy and what drains our energy, it is a calling to plant new seeds. Patterns are comfortable because they are automatic, change towards progress is the energy of this or something better for our own heart and soul. Be willing to allow your thoughts, words, actions, and 2-minute mind movies to align with the dreams God and the universe have placed in your heart. It is a continual practice in a direction of feeling lighter with each choice you make.  Allowing lightness and trust into your cells is a practice, one I have not always done with ease if I am honest. The control freak inside of me desires what I desire and thinks I can get others on board if I have enough information to change them to my way of thinking, if they only could see what I see it would help everyone involved. 

The new lesson is to become allowance, drop self-judgment, and trust YOUR PROCESS. 

Remember to give yourself Grace in your process of changing your patterns. It takes 300 times of repetition to create muscle memory and 3000 for it to be embodied automatically into the fabric of who we are. Practice makes permanent. I am learning that if I spent as much time focusing on an allowance as I do attempting to help others I would, in turn, change my world and in turn help awaken more people with my own awakening. We deserve to live with the best version of us, that is true living inside out.


Trusting starts within us. It is about taking ownership of the happiness inside of you in the small areas which in turn lead to the bigger areas. Focus on continually practicing where you trust in the small things, acknowledging your progress, remembering we create in forwarding motion from this point forward. 

The past is a reference point to reflect, learn, and move from. 

Living in the judgment of yourself for the choices that did not work is not productive to create new. Focusing on growth and progress, not perfection. It’s one thing when we fall short of our own expectations of ourselves, the key I am learning is to drop the judgment and don’t quit on yourself. Our dreams that we have the capacity to step into are about trusting you are exactly where you are meant to be, even if it is uncomfortable. Everyone including you is a gift, it is a choice to see it, practice it, and be grateful for the awareness to trust in the small things which in turn will create trust in the big things. There is no testimony without a test. The obstacles are the way, ask them: What are you here to teach me, then listen, and take one small or large step towards trusting you more. I am free to the point of choice and then the choice controls and choice. Our life is the sum of our choices. Grace to navigate and choose anew in each moment. 99.9% of our results are what we pour into our minds. Seed, time, and harvest. Plant trust, faith, love, and truth [this will feel light in your body] breathe through it all and remember if you want the Super to show up in your life, you must practice the natural you. Be you, everyone else is taken. Happy Harvesting!!

With Enormous Love,


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Kim Frazer

Kim Frazer is a messenger of beauty living inside out. She is an energy facilitator to heal old patterns and generate new open spaces. She has served as a professional make up artist and skin care consultant for 28 years in the beauty industry. She loves helping people shine their confidence in all they do through their individual energy and color. This is our unique self-expression. Our light begins on the inside and radiates to our outer glow. When you feel good on the inside it shows on the outside!
She has a servant's heart and is a certified coach in the new paradigm of servant leadership. She is serving humanity to uplevel authentic higher levels of consciousness through self-care practices that in turn generate self-love. She believes living inside out beauty begins with a daily practice of being all of you. Let your light shine to radiate more of the authentic you!
