A Message About Control

Are you trying to control every aspect of your work? Hows that working for you? Listen to Ingrid’s advice on taking control of your life …...

A Message About Control

Are you trying to control every aspect of your work? Hows that working for you? Listen to Ingrid’s advice on taking control of your life …...


We’re putting a pin in it 🙂 Please don’t go anywhere! How can self-sabotage creep upon us? It’s always rooted in fear. Which is completely …...

Big Breakdown?

How did the big Facebook breakdown affect you? Did it make you realize how much your business and community depend on Facebook and its many …...

Healing In Leadership

As a leader; you need to be able to aware of your shadow Face it, deal with it, release it If you’re interested in working …...

Honor the limbo.

Generators & Manifesting Generators! This is for you. Human design helps you understand how you are energetically wired. http://Jovianarchive.com/get_your_chart You are here to work and …...

Spiritual Practice

Making our business our spiritual practice. Ritualize your business practice. Start using your tasks as a way to get into presence. Practice mindfulness Show up …...

Get Your Mojo Flowing

Get our mojo flowing You are not what you do. The thing that lights you up. The thing that lights your soul on fire, that’s …...

Ego & Power

48 laws of power https://amzn.to/3gu2cOx Never outshine the master? Check-in with yourself. Is there a piece of yourself that minds when somebody starts to outshine …...

Are you feeling burnout?

High level executives, CEOs, entrepreneurs… Suddenly you dread Monday morning? Does the day inch by and count down the minutes until the weekend? You could …...


It’s not something that you can pull out of a box. It’s something that is unique to you people and it’s so important to cultivate …...

Post-Covid Micromanaging?

Or is it Post – Covid Micromanaging? We’re talking about people going back to the office. After an entire year of working from home and …...