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Imagination has the ability to see something in your mind as if it is real.  What we think about we bring about is a thought that any vibration that lasts long enough will manifest with like thoughts and experiences.  Holding an image and vibe in your body for 17 seconds literally shifts your vibe, so stop, and focus when you are on a negative spiral and choose to make it an up spiral vs. a down spiral. See it all working out, imagine everything working in your favor. Loving what you see in your mind’s vision is a muscle you get to exercise regularly. How does it get any better than that? Asking that question is meant to create space for the answer to come, not necessarily to have to know the answer. We get to choose conscious creating by Turning up our vibration to higher levels of awareness and choice or we can get stuck in thoughts, feelings, and emotions. The higher harmonics of that is to perceive, know, be, and receive life. When you allow your mind to run like a wild tiger with several thousand thoughts a day, you can choose to consciously flip it to a positive and be aware of what are listening to, who you’re listening to, and the words that are coming out of our mouth. When the thoughts are heavy it simply is not our thought, it is something implanted into our beliefs with someone else’s thinking patterns, it’s not personal, it is a return to sender moment, and what feels better for me?  We are giving truth to the things that feel light. Trusting that life comes to us with ease, joy, and glory is a practiced pattern in our thinking and words, trust yourself to say yes to you!  Who are we surrounding ourselves with matters because it is the vibe we will match. What that means in simple terms is when we take off on a tangent of negative, we get to reel it into what makes us happy and what feels good in our body. Reframe and refocus on what the future you would like to have to happen. Sometimes we can go into an internal battle with ourselves around the thinking process of …. yea but, the only butt we really want to talk about is the one we sit on. Excuses are made up in an individual’s mind, you fill in the blank with the excuse you make up when you are trying to prove yourself right or wrong. Release proving and receive, it’s all just an interesting point of view.


   Being defensive is where we go to work to prove we are good enough. It feels like a battle between the other person and you. When you try to prove anything, you will feel anxious to challenge another which usually does not turn out in a way that feels good. I have found that being defensive vs. an interesting point of view of their point of view or my own creates an entanglement of trying to prove someone wrong or making yourself wrong. What if all relationship was about making the other person and yourself greater? Whatever you anticipate as an outcome you are already creating. We manifest on a mental and an emotional level before it shows up on a physical level.  What can I do that will be more fun here? Being in the space of more fun in our life will uplevel all we are and do. With awareness, we can change anything. Luck is when opportunity meets choice. Happy Choosing!!

 Living in a space of Possibility.



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Kim Frazer

Kim Frazer is a messenger of beauty living inside out. She is an energy facilitator to heal old patterns and generate new open spaces. She has served as a professional make up artist and skin care consultant for 28 years in the beauty industry. She loves helping people shine their confidence in all they do through their individual energy and color. This is our unique self-expression. Our light begins on the inside and radiates to our outer glow. When you feel good on the inside it shows on the outside!
She has a servant's heart and is a certified coach in the new paradigm of servant leadership. She is serving humanity to uplevel authentic higher levels of consciousness through self-care practices that in turn generate self-love. She believes living inside out beauty begins with a daily practice of being all of you. Let your light shine to radiate more of the authentic you!
