Cleaning is My Therapy

I have always felt complete after cleaning. I put my favorite playlist on and get into my zone.  I’m doing more deep cleaning now, due …...

Cleaning is My Therapy

I have always felt complete after cleaning. I put my favorite playlist on and get into my zone.  I’m doing more deep cleaning now, due …...

The Path to Organic Living: A Personal Journey

Living organically is not just a trend—it is a return to our roots. It is a commitment to nourish the body, soul, and the earth …...

Just wanted to share some thoughts that have been on my mind lately

You know, they say what you think about comes about, and I’ve really been embracing that idea. Living for today, not yesterday, has become my …...

Embracing Solitude: My Juicy Self-Discovery Journey

As I sit down to ponder over a cup of steaming mushroom coffee, I find myself delving into a rather introspective topic – why do …...

Leading with Gratitude: A Down-to-Earth Approach to Life

In a world often characterized by hustle and competition, there’s a simple yet profound approach that can transform your journey: leading with gratitude. As someone …...

Reflecting on my journey, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride.

There was a time when I preferred to stay hidden, but I pushed through those moments of self-doubt. Every day, I showed up even when …...

Breaking Free from the Shackles of a Limited Mindset

In a world filled with endless possibilities, a limited mindset acts as a self-imposed barrier, hindering personal growth and evolution. Embracing change and pursuing new …...

Allowing the Love In: How to Cultivate a Mindset of Openness and Compassion

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by life’s struggles and challenges. But when we open ourselves up to love and compassion, we can transform our lives …...

I thought “everyone would be okay without me”

I thought “everyone would be okay without me”. Navigating through menopause Isn’t easy and in fact, this is why I am writing this. I don’t …...

Are We Really Handmaids


I did it anyway

I’m complete and content. Just because I’m an alchemist doesn’t mean I don’t feel. I am human. I’m a human having a human experience. Let …...