The part of us that desires to be in control means we will never create anything beyond our control. This is a very limiting way to live. This has been an area I have been enmeshed in for my entire life as an adult.
We learn this way of being and if you are doing control in any area of your life you are not going to be engaged with the world. You’re either going to control it and how it can change, or it’s going to control you in how you can’t change. If you want to be in control and have your reality you have to be willing to let people have their point of view and not be affected by it. I hear you, easier said than done…. I get that and at the same time, once you are aware you are doing it, you CAN change it! You can only change your point of view not another’s. This is one of the hugest life lessons I am currently aware of and our ability to change it is powerful and exciting. It opens up so much space for expansion.
The definition of control is about attempting to make something happen.
Any of us that have done this and lived our lives in this way knows the wear and tear it creates on our bodies and soul. This has been an area that I have attempted to “fix” within me for my entire life. As I now look at creating more ease in my body and a healthier approach to my life I realize this is a place to create awareness and change.
Perhaps nothing was ever broken or needed “fixed.”
Perhaps It simply needed your awareness and desire for something different. Ahhhhh a breath of fresh air perspective over here. Being out of control and having limitations is truly a powerful place to grow from. When you are in the possibility of this or something better it opens up the space for the Divine spirit of God to work through you and allow the energy of change to occur. What if being out of control has the possibility to create abundance and more than you can possibly imagine to show up in your world? What would life feel like if magic and miracles were abounding every day and you choose to see life as a miracle? What if your release of control actually allowed the universe to deliver this or something better? Breathe in, and release it, now is the time, the time is now. You are magic and magic is available, release control and become a possibility!! Embrace the change you are!!!
Living Inside Out and Embracing Change,