Frustration to Possibility
The moment we are willing to let go of what is not happening or our fear of what is happening is the moment we step into and become free of all we think we are. When we are willing to let go of the wrongness of what is happening we open possibilities.
Living in a reality that makes everything about right and wrong vs. awareness and choice is guaranteed to lock us up into a fixed point of view about how it must be.
Our point of view creates our reality. Are you doing what you do from necessity or choice? Frustration proceeds growth. If Frustration is up for you as I have been aware it is for me that means it’s coming up to move out of our body. When you think of a current negative emotion you are feeling, free pass yourself and flip it to the opposite to find your freedom. Seeing it as we desire it to be vs. how it is means we allow miracles to come into our world. Everything is energy, the energy we are aware of when we think of the Faith filled action is about releasing the things that feel like blocks so we are able to move into what feels light and true vs. heavy and a total lie in your body. I have learned that when I feel frustration that is a block. The other side of the negative emotion is what fuels change if we allow ourselves to focus on the opposite of the block. The opposite of frustration is freedom. We get to define what freedom means for us and focus on the ease that brings to our existence.
Moving into Grace for yourself and others
There are many components to having your own grace for you. This begins the moment we learn to let go of the small things and grow into letting go of the larger things, it is a muscle that gets stronger with use. Letting go begins when we can feel the negative and instead we choose to find gratitude for the opportunity to check up from the neck up and flip it to a desired outcome. Forgiveness begins the moment we forgive ourselves and others for the choices and lack of choices we have made. We are exactly where we are meant to be in this moment, release the upset, you cannot live life looking in the rear view mirror. Learn and move forward, from this moment forward is where your power is. Everything is rolling up to your highest good. Choose, choose, and choose again until the lightness encompasses your body. Discomfort comes and we allow our comfort zone to expand with each choice, one after another. Apologize, and be mindful of the thoughts you allow to dominate your day. Speak kindly, your body hears everything you speak to yourself. Compassion begins within your existence in every moment you choose higher thinking thoughts. The highest version of you is a choice you make in the now moments, she or he is waiting for you, one choice after another will chisel away the years of unbelief that IMPOSSIBLE SIMPLY MEANS I AM POSSIBLE!!!!
Go after your dreams
They are knocking, it’s time to answer,
Love, Kim
Healing from the inside out: