There’s so much happening in the next few days!
Tonight’s winter solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. After the solstice we being to move towards the bright half of the year in the Vedic Calendar known as Uttarayana. In this 6 month cycle the Sun gains prominence and the days get longer. It is considered the more auspicious half of the year, connected to harvests, prosperity and growth.
December 22/23rd is the New Moon in Sagittarius in the lunar house of Mula. Mula is a section of the zodiac connected with death and rebirth, of cutting out from the roots to allow new growth. It is destructive yet holds the intention of regeneration and evolution.
These two events in such proximity of each other bring about a poignant death cycle that asks us to shed that which we want to leave behind before entering 2023. This is the real time for resolutions, to bring consciousness around how we want to move forward into the New Year.
This New Moon quite significantly comes just a day before many gather with friends and family. New Moons are always connected with our ancestors and indicated to give them some offerings or reverence. It would be of great benefit to do a small remembrance before holiday gatherings with family.
Love and Blessings,
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