It wont matter economically

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The first presidential debate is over and it resembled a schoolyard brawl where I was foolishly hoping someone on yard duty would step in, break up the skirmish, and send the two participants to the detention room.

.I mean, seriously, discussing who would beat the other in a golf game?

We all saw it, unbelievable as it may be. 

But much like the fairy tales of champion warfare long ago where the best warrior of one side would battle the champ of the other side for all the marbles, perhaps it would be better if we did let a golf game decide the next president.

I mean, how much worse could it get right?

Obviously, the presidential election is as serious as it gets, but given the complexity of the ruling mechanisms, the so-called checks and balances of the system, and the fact that both parties do have a common ground rooted in all parties getting and staying rich at our behest, it probably matters a lot less than many think it does who actually wins.

On one hand, I don’t think we will all be wearing swastikas, rounding up some unfortunates and tearing up the constitution by the direction of some supreme leader. I also don’t think one side is going to enter the launch codes in a fit of senility, whose lack of competency is probably vastly overblown. I am 68 years of age and honestly, I lose my train of thought more often than I care to admit yet run multiple businesses and can still do complex math in my head. 

Truth be told, I don’t fear either side will doom this great country of ours no matter who gets elected as president. There are too many wheels and gears in the political machinery to prevent that from happening.

Keep in mind, both sides kind of do the same thing economically speaking and that “same thing” is to run the printing presses nonstop to pay for stuff.

Biden is surrounded by smart people who don’t want to run America into the gutter and Trump’s power would be significantly curtailed by the other bodies of government. In my opinion, all this fear-mongering about power and capability is politically motivated to get us to vote based on fear rather than correctly voting on promise. 

It’s high time we start talking about where somebody might do some good rather than worrying about where somebody would do some harm.

Aren’t elections supposed to be based on hope rather than trepidation?

Since I am an economic guy, I know that pestilence, war, coups and idiotic rulers usually won’t cause a civilization to collapse. We have plenty of examples throughout history to prove that out. 

What causes a country to collapse is usually economic and most often centers around debasing a currency to the point of, or very close to, worthlessness. 

Think Mexican Peso and you pretty much got it.

Since both political parties for decades have printed paper dollars till the cows come home, the chickens are beginning to roost in the henhouse called inflation and this is neither party’s fault. 

Instead, it’s both parties’ fault. And no matter who wins out of the two candidates, the spending will continue until morale improves.

And based on last week’s debate, that will likely be a long, long time.

I will conclude today’s musing by saying I am somewhat concerned about our country’s future but probably not as concerned as the millions of terrified Americans thinking the world will end if one guy or another is elected. 

It won’t.

A golf game might be a fitting way to hold the election this time, seeing how ridiculous this whole thing has morphed into.

I would like to have two different golfers swinging the clubs.

Watching the markets so you dont have to    

This article expresses the opinion of Marc Cuniberti and is not meant as investment advice, or a recommendation to buy or sell any securities, nor represents the opinion of any bank, investment firm or RIA, nor this media outlet, its staff, members or underwriters. Mr. Cuniberti holds a B.A. in Economics with honors, 1979, and California Insurance License #0L34249 His insurance agency is BAP INC. insurance services.  Email: [email protected] 

Marc Cuniberti

Marc Cuniberti

Marc Cuniberti
Host of Money Matters Radio on 67 radio stations nationwide, Financial and insurance columnist for the Union and 5 other statewide newspapers, owner BAP insurance and registered financial advisor representative at Vantage Financial. California Insurance License OL34249 and feature on ABC and NBC television and a host of TV documentaries on his financial insights.