Aimee O'Brien Photography
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Yarrow has a long history of being a wound healer and aiding in fever, but that is just the beginning of what this incredible herb can do. 

The latest medicinal herb that has caught my eyes on The Villa is Yarrow. We have a beautiful patch of yellow yarrow and I’ve been excited to harvest and start making some goodies. 

I’m going to try a couple different concoctions this year;

Teas, Tinctures and an Oil Maceration. I will go through how to make them, their benefits and how to use each creation. 


Yarrow can be harvested when the flowers have bloomed in the spring or summer. Cut the stems at the base close to the ground. All parts can be used; flowers, leaves and stem. The plant can be used fresh or dry but it is important to dry all parts before storing in an airtight container. 

Yarrow Tea can be used as a cold remedy, along with any other herbs you have on hand; peppermint, elderflower, echinacea, and other herbs can help a cold or flu. It helps hay fever, lowers high blood pressure, improves venous circulation and tones varicose veins. The tea can also promote wound healing, alleviate digestive issues, reduce symptoms of depression or anxiety, reduce inflammation and aid in brain health.

Brew yarrow in boiled water. Can be drunk up to 3 times a day.



Harvest fresh or use dried yarrow, cut up the plant material into inch sized pieces, stuff into a sterilized jar and fill until covered with 100 proof alcohol. Store for at least 6 weeks and shake the jar daily or whenever you remember!

A Yarrow Tincture can be used for a number of things; Indigestion, aiding UTI Infections, Reducing fever, as an herbal bitter, regulating the menstrual cycle and easing period pain, Arthritis, cough, or cold, detoxing the blood, acne, and insomnia. 

Oil Maceration

For oil maceration use dried leaves and flowers in a sterilized jar and cover the yarrow in an oil of your choice. Then store the air-tight covered jar in a dark place for 3-4 weeks.

Yarrow oil can be used alone and as the base for balms and salves. A yarrow balm can be made by melting beeswax in a double boiler and mixing in the yarrow oil. I like to make salves with coconut oil infused in the herb and mixed with melted shea butter.  Using a double boiler or a crock pot I set the coconut oil and shea butter with my herbs to cook together for a few hours. With herbal remedies I always think more is more! When making an oil infusion I will add in many other herbs for added benefit! 

 There are so many ways to use the oil on its own, a balm or the salve;


Oil can be added to your shampoo or used on your hair to promote a healthy scalp and healthy, strong hair growth.

Wounds, burns and hemorrhoids

Oil can be applied directly to wounds to slow down bleeding and promote healing. Antibacterial herbs such as calendula and lavender would be a great addition to wound salve. 


Use a salve or balm to alleviate itching.


Depending on the type of rash, and preference, use the oil or salve to reduce the rash. I.e. poison oak rashes you do NOT want to use an oil based product on. See my poison oak article for treatment. 


Rub in salve to the sore area to promote blood flow and relieve inflammation. Calendula, comfrey and lavender are also great for arthritis. 


1/2 tsp of oil can be taken orally 2-3 times a day to lessen bleeding and alleviate painful cramps. 

I’ll be sharing our creations on our social media, Stay Tuned.

*As always I am not a doctor and everyone must take into consideration all existing ailments and do your research for your specific case. 


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Lindsey Wise

Following the birth of my first child, I bled to death. During this Near-Death Experience, I found myself surrounded by multitudes of light beings, who initiated me into the world of subtle energies and healing vibrations. At that moment, I realized that all beings create their own unique vibration—their soul song. Each person’s soul song makes up the great Choir of Life.

My work is to awaken humanity to the healing power of their unique sound. I have traveled the world and the astral realms, cultivating healing techniques to help people awaken to the power of their own voice and to the healer within. I blend ritual, breathwork, guided journeys, sound healing, yoga and community song. I call this Ceremonial Energy Medicine.
