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Welcome back to Pilates With Marilyn

My name is Marilyn Harder, pilates instructor, and pilates master trainer.

Welcome to season 2 episode 11

The Theme for this week is Flow For it

Everything in life, all the big decision or the big things that we do in life begin with a decision. It is our decision to give it our best effort and just flow with it. See how things come to you, how things develop, how things grow, and giving it our very best effort that day. 

Today in our flow, we’re going to take a more basic workout and we’re gonna flow it up. So there will be a place for everyone here and opportunity to really challenge ourselves and take it up to the next level. This is one you may want to revisit. So as you go through you might think “ oh, that may be not my energy level or the physical fitness that I bring today, but I’m gonna try that next time.” 

Two things that you may want for your session today;

Wags Wrist assured gloves:

Those are for perfecting your planks if you tend to dump into your wrists. It helps you with a tiny edge to engage that carpal arch. Which helps engage the forearms, the biceps, triceps, the lats and give you an overall better connection so that you are not in that kjoint, you’re in those muscles. 

I wear them because I have a hyper mobility disorder. No matters ow I seem to strengthen it takes so much more effort for me to focus and stay out of those joints and these do the work for me.

The second thing you may want to take your workout to the next level with you can do without this is a Thera band:

These are preloaded Thera bands which I love for the work that we’re going to do. They come in a 5 resistance pack (this particular one that I got) and I am one level 3. It’s going to add more depth and more engagement to the workout. 

You can do the flow without either of those and I look forward to seeing you in episode 11.

As always, visit us on corporatehippieconnection.com for more lifestyle tips, tricks that will help you get into your body get into your life and start living the best life that god intended for you. 

Thank you so much for supporting Pilates With Marilyn and I will see you in the episode.

Practice self-care this week

You are worth it. 

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Marilyn Harder

Marilyn Harder is an ambassador of all things self love and self care. She holds both a Master’s Degree in Business (MBA) and a Bachelors of Science in Psychology from UC Davis and well over 60 certifications in the movement and wellness industry. She has an advanced knowledge of kinesthetic movement that she acquired in her work with dysfunctional movement patterns in a 55 and older retirement community. She works primarily as a Pilates Master Trainer and has taken over 150 people through the 500 hour comprehensive Pilates Teacher Training program. Concurrently, she works as Bowenwork practitioner and a Restorative Wellness Practitioner both as additional modalities to troubleshoot healing and optimal wellness. She utilizes her education in all realms (psychology, movement, naturopathic health and nutrition) in her approach to beauty. What we put on and in our bodies matters but not nearly as much as HOW and WHY we do so. Marilyn approaches health and beauty through a triad -movement, nutrition and self care. Out of self care, self love is born. And out of self love authentic purpose, passion, and works are done. She believes that all pursuit of happiness and purpose begins by anchoring yourself spiritually and loving yourself through the eyes of God.
