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As we create a new, we get to release and let go of any previous places we have struggled or felt stuck, remember stuck is just a feeling, and so is unstuck. Energy is always moving. We can be attached to past things to create into the future, or we can consciously choose to be in this moment without the choice to live in the activation of the past. Letting go of past energy is about choosing conscious creation in this moment, and aligning with like-minded people. We become what we surround ourselves with.

Putting our barriers down begins the moment we choose the powerful expansion we are vs. the contraction of a previous moment or opinion that we aligned with. When you gain access to the pieces of you that you have shut down, defended from, hid away or literally divorced will you destroy and uncreate all you were before this moment with ease?  Being stubborn to make it hard is also a choice that is not unfolding your highest good. Surrender to what is light and makes your energy smiles. When you have separated from you it creates separation in your energy and all of you. Yes in this moment you can  choose to ask, trust it is given and receive the gift of all of your energy, abilities, capacity and choices as a present version of who you choose in this moment. Anywhere we have chosen the barricades of protecting ourselves from other people let that go. Remember when we are all of us with our barriers down then we receive all of us and life becomes a full experience of more lightness. The world is filled with points of view where we either align and agree or resist and react, this is a reminder to be an IPOV





It is truly a full body yes or a full body no. Defense is no longer necessary when you believe in and trust in your choices. Perceive and receive all you choose to be and desire in this moment with the ease, joy, and glory. Be pulled by the desires of your heart and press into the things you lean away from, that is where the nectar of life’s sweetness exists. What you resist run to.  We all do what we do because we do it. I know anywhere I have made it personal to the acts or words of another is when I did not trust my own self-confidence, in this moment that girl is sent to the corner.  I am  choosing to be all of me today, will you join me? Today lets gain access to all of our energy, abilities, and full capacities of the grandest version we choose regardless of what other people choose as their reality. What others think of you is actually none of your business. The thoughts of you or anything that gets sticky as the throw it at you, or you throw at yourself imagine an energy bubble around you and breathe in life, exhale death from the deepest parts of your belly, duck and shift from absorbing the energy of another or your negative about yourself and limit the time you spend with people who bring your energy into a “low” vibe. Receive all of you regardless of what other people’s opinions are. With each disability you also carry an equally strong superpower. See that and say yes to every part you are. As you allow yourself to be the dominant energy in your world everything becomes possible, more melting, less fighting, now let’s do this or let it go!!

With so much Love and Light, Kim

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Kim Frazer

Kim Frazer is a messenger of beauty living inside out. She is an energy facilitator to heal old patterns and generate new open spaces. She has served as a professional make up artist and skin care consultant for 28 years in the beauty industry. She loves helping people shine their confidence in all they do through their individual energy and color. This is our unique self-expression. Our light begins on the inside and radiates to our outer glow. When you feel good on the inside it shows on the outside!
She has a servant's heart and is a certified coach in the new paradigm of servant leadership. She is serving humanity to uplevel authentic higher levels of consciousness through self-care practices that in turn generate self-love. She believes living inside out beauty begins with a daily practice of being all of you. Let your light shine to radiate more of the authentic you!
