Inflation about to get worse

The latest inflation figures recently released confirm what most of us already know. Inflation is bad and getting worse. In fact, it’s the worst in …...

Inflation about to get worse

The latest inflation figures recently released confirm what most of us already know. Inflation is bad and getting worse. In fact, it’s the worst in …...

A Market Update

The market continues to creep ever higher with the Dow breaching the 35,000 mark on June 29th only to back off into the 34,000’s shortly …...

A Breaking Economy

The basic premise of Capitalism is a transaction between individuals where two parties buy, sell or swap goods or services at a price that is …...

The REPO Market Says Everything Is Fine

An interesting development has been occurring in the Federal Repurchase Agreement Operation (REPO). The REPO market is administered by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) and when...

How high can it go?

From the March 2020 “CoVid” low of the Dow 18,000’s, the index has recently breached the 34,000 level.  3,000 more points on the Dow (DJIA) …...

Why hasn’t my portfolio mirrored the Dow

As the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) flirts with all-time highs, investors and advisors alike might be a bit miffed as their portfolio balances just …...

Inflation and the Living Wage Debate

In a recent Money & Sense article, I covered how the Employment Development Department (EDD) and their lucrative bonus payments to the unemployed has essentially …...

The Outcry Against Progress

Remember the “Promise of Progress”? Man will improve manufacturing methods, streamline methodologies, develop faster computers, grow bigger apples and do it faster, and we would …...

More On Fire Insurance

Once again we come into the fire season and the calls about and for fire insurance policies abound. As an agent and owner of an …...

EDD Payments fan inflationary fires

Last week’s article covered how the Employment Development Department (EDD) and their lucrative bonus payments to the unemployed have essentially made the national $15/hr. minimum …...

The Memes Stocks Are On The Move Again

The MEME stocks are on fire again. You remember these. My last article on the MEMES was called “The Game that is Gamestop”.  The MEME …...