Inflation about to get worse

The latest inflation figures recently released confirm what most of us already know. Inflation is bad and getting worse. In fact, it’s the worst in …...

Inflation about to get worse

The latest inflation figures recently released confirm what most of us already know. Inflation is bad and getting worse. In fact, it’s the worst in …...

Something doesnt add up

Talking to various people around the county in my day to day travels, it seems that few people are swimming in cash and many are …...

More on Cyber Coin

With the advent of cyber currency, first with bitcoin then followed by a host of others, it was only a matter of time until Uncle …...

Economic update for the week

Airline companies saw a record 2.5 million passengers in one day on Friday May 24th. Simply put, the three day holiday weekend beckoned travelers to …...

Scams are on the increase

Scams. They run the gamut. From social media, to mail fraud to even so-called friends, scams are everywhere. Heck, I even had a “friend” from …...

The real cause of inflation

In the U.S., 2021 saw 6.82 trillion printed up, 2022 brought 6.27 trillion of fresh ink, 2023 witnessed 6.37 trillion of printed money, and fiscal …...

Start a business Mentors

With 9 out of 10 new businesses failing in the first 18 months of inception, it’s tantamount that people considering opening a business get some …...

Those pesky student loan payments

Many remember the Biden plan for cancelling student debt which was struck down by the Supreme Court in July 2023.   The plan called for …...

Presidential Elections and market performance

Discussions about what will happen to the markets because of the fall presidential elections run the gamut from all out Armageddon to having no effect.  …...

Update on the Midas Metal

Gold, the so called “king of metals”, has left a lot of the retail investor’s radar screens since the advent of bitcoin and other so …...

More government handouts

The CHIPS and Science Act (CHIPS) was established by Washington in 2022 to encourage semiconductor companies to manufacture their product here in the United States.  …...