Inflation about to get worse

The latest inflation figures recently released confirm what most of us already know. Inflation is bad and getting worse. In fact, it’s the worst in …...

Inflation about to get worse

The latest inflation figures recently released confirm what most of us already know. Inflation is bad and getting worse. In fact, it’s the worst in …...

Rookie Investing Mistakes

I get approached by many investors asking what I think of such and such a stock or investment. Usually the theme is a familiar one …...

The Inefficiencies of Decisions

It is said one butterfly flapping his wings can alter the course of history. Its random action can cause a host of other outcomes, each …...

Economies of Travel – pt. 2

In last week’s expose’ of my “Economies of Travel- Traveling during the CoVid shutdowns”, I detailed my trip by airplane to Newport Beach and what …...

Conflicted We Fall

United we rise. Divided we fall. And so goes it with economies. And since economies are made up of people, how a nations people go, …...

Economic Update

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) continues to baffle many investors and analysts alike with its apparent decoupling from the American Economy. Off its March …...

Traveling During Covid

In preparation of a couple of trips I had to make this month, I did some research on what to expect. Like some things in …...

Correction Rotation

With CoVid 19 cases on the rise, the stock market is beginning to convulse again. Since March of this year when the Corona virus first …...

Irrational Exuberance Corrections

There have been crazier markets then the ones we have now but more and more analysts and trading professionals are fessing up this one is …...

Sector Rotation

“Sector rotation” in stocks means money comes out of one area of investment and moves into another.  At any given time, certain areas of investing …...

Covid Alters the Business Environment

With the Dow screeching upwards off its Covid lows of 18,531 on March 23rd, it now sits in the mid 25,000’s at the time of …...