Inflation about to get worse

The latest inflation figures recently released confirm what most of us already know. Inflation is bad and getting worse. In fact, it’s the worst in …...

Inflation about to get worse

The latest inflation figures recently released confirm what most of us already know. Inflation is bad and getting worse. In fact, it’s the worst in …...

Cutting the head off the snake

It is said to kill the snake you must cut off its head.  said to kill the snake you must cut off its head. Probably …...

The market is still looking backwards

The markets continue to bounce up and down seemingly without any rhyme or reason to it.  As usual, one day one sector rallies upwards and …...

Be wary of latest inflation statistics

Fed Chief Jerome Powell sobered up Wall Street yet again last week during his latest periodic Federal Reserve (FED) speech and news conference.  As Wall …...

What is next for the markets

Inflation statistics are the gauge used by the Federal Reserve (the FED) when adjusting interest rates.  With some recent data showing a slowdown in the …...

The I-Bond adjusts but not all is lost

The government I-Bond was recently covered here on Money Matters in an article I penned called “A gift from the U.S. government” dated May 9, …...

The coming diesel shortage

With the price of gasoline skyrocketing to unthinkable heights in the last year or so, the next shoe to drop is the price of diesel …...

Market update

Last week saw glimmers of “green” hope as some stocks continued higher into the month.  Mid-week however gave in to some more selling as companies …...

Where there is vapor there is bitcoin

I have always said cyber coins like Bitcoin are vapor. And every so often I am confirmed that I am not far off from the …...

Elections and the markets

This week brings elections and the market usually has a predictable response around this event.  Although historically the year leading up to the Presidential elections …...

Triggered annuities

With the latest rally in stocks, investors must be wondering if this recent bout of green is just another in a long series of bear …...