Women, focus on your own needs and purpose

“The most remarkable thing is that now I focus more on my own needs, purpose, and passions. I am happier than I have ever been, …...

Relationships in the Digital Age

Some time back, my daughter asked me to rub her back. I noticed myself hesitate. My addiction to my phone took over – I wanted …...

The Importance of Feeling Heard

Just last week, a woman sent me an email saying, “I am so sad and frustrated that my husband doesn’t listen to what I say!” …...

Protecting The Vulnerable Parts Of Your Relationship

Have you ever had a hard time softening and reconnecting with your partner after being hurt, misunderstood, or unfairly blamed? Is it challenging for you …...

The Victim Strategy in Relationship

What is your first response when you hit a wall? When your partner disappoints you or when you don’t get what you want? Do you …...

Physical and Emotional Intimacy in a Relationship

In our work, we often coach and teach couples about physical and emotional intimacy in a marriage or long-term relationship. In preparation for our Possibilities …...

How to Avoid Fights In A relationship

What You Can Do To Avoid Fights In A Relationship Fighting with your partner sucks! It’s exhausting, it hurts, and it sours the mood in …...

How To Stop Fighting In A Relationship

How do you stop fighting in a relationship? This is an all-important question for anyone in a serious relationship. In most relationships, fighting and arguing …...

Feeling Judged in Your Relationship

Do you ever feel judged and criticized by your partner? Do you have the sense that your husband doesn’t value you or your wife doesn’t …...

Understanding Women

As a heterosexual man married to a woman, I can safely say that being in a relationship with Sonika, and other women before her, has …...

Understanding Men

Being in a relationship with a man is a fantastic adventure. It’s challenging and illuminating, even mysterious. Men are powerful, fun, and sexy to be …...