Women, focus on your own needs and purpose

“The most remarkable thing is that now I focus more on my own needs, purpose, and passions. I am happier than I have ever been, …...

How To De-Escalate Conflicts In Your Relationship

“We go from zero to a hundred in no time – there’s no in-between!” A woman in our last workshop described how she and her …...

Relational Disconnection

I’m reading a great book called Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together In The Cafeteria by Dr. Beverly Tatum. In the chapter I was …...

Thoughts Are As Real As A Poke In The Eye

She caught him watching porn. She had borrowed his computer to look up something on Google and was caught by surprise when an image flashed …...

What You Think You Want in a Relationship Is Not What You Really Want

When I was in my twenties, I thought getting to be with this woman Elena would make me happy.  She was confident, cool, and independent …...

My Relationship Isn’t Perfect

Do you ever feel that your life and family don’t match the happy images you see on commercials? Glennon Doyle, author of Untamed, in a …...

Are You Experiencing “Pandemic Fatigue”?

You might also suffer from political and election fatigue. A good bunch of us are “Zoomed” out as well. On top of all that, we …...

Sex In A Relationship Is Last On The To-Do List

Isn’t it funny how we always put sex and pleasure in a relationship last on our list of priorities? Well, more sad than funny, really. …...

We’re Getting a Divorce – What to Do?

If you have reached the point where you’re saying, “We are getting a divorce! What do I do?” then this post is a place for …...

Having Fun in Relationship

Have you ever heard the saying, “Couples who play together, stay together”? A quick Google search into this saying yields some interesting hits, for example …...

The Subtle Ways Trust in a Relationship Is Broken

I was coaching a couple this week about how they take turns getting angry and shutting down in silence. During our session, she said she …...