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We all have great things we desire in this life.

Sometimes the list feels simple. Perhaps it’s as easy as health, happiness, and success.

How hard can that be? When we look at what we “want” it signifies something we don’t already have, how does the word desire feel for you?

It has a lighter feel and brings about excitement in my body. We generally create with more ease when we can be in a space of happiness and lightness, yes even in the midst of chaos. It’s the tool I love to use, is this light or heavy? When you ask the question, Is this light or heavy in my body it opens up space for the answer to come. It is not something we have to “figure out”. We usually get an immediate feeling in our body of weight or lightness, lean into the light and make choices from there.

The more we can operate in a space of lightness, the more we move towards living the things we desire to create in our world. Gratitude in the present for every little thing will continue to move us in a positive direction. Happy Creating!


Speaking our truth can be fearful and liberating all at the same time.

Possibly we tell ourselves stories that are based on a story, versus what is true. Perspective is as individual as our fingerprints. It is a beautiful gift we give to ourselves and those around us. The life we live here I believe is meant to be individually expressed.

The people we are meant to align with bring a similar or flexible point of view. When we remain open to grow, this is vulnerability at its finest. Expand and express, it is a gift, the expansion into more of you. The journey to our deepest hearts desires is navigating how we want to feel, feeling is the secret. This will grow us and stretch us or snap us right into the judgment of ourselves or another.

As we grow more into our own vulnerability, we have the choice to simply be an interesting point of view of our or their point of view, no judgment just observation and choice. This creates freedom to continue choosing and expanding our awareness and life. To have the awareness of how another’s words land in our energy field is a gift when we are willing to see it as just that. Our job is to speak from our vagina versus our head.

Sometimes when we feel like we are living in fear of the judgments of the world and those we love, we lose our voice and forget how truly powerful we are!!

         We give others courage to be more of themselves when we speak up with love. This often cur authentic self. We may feel like a void of courage if we do not speak up. We fear we will be judged or criticized. Being vulnerable begins with connection and our willingness to grow.

Often when we think of connection, we think of the places we have disconnection. The fear of disconnection feels like shame and embarrassment in our hearts and soul. Unworthiness to be heard and loved. When we bring forth the courage to be and speak our authentic heart perfectly imperfect, we give others the belief and courage they can too!

This shifts our world to more love. Vulnerable is such a beautiful stretch into more of ourselves!! Be brave, be scared, be compassionate with yourself and others and trust everything is working out for your highest good! Feel the colors and courage of you, get vulnerable and get the butterflies to fly in formation in your stomach, yes you can!!!

  “To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is actually to show your strength!”

                                                                         With Massive Love,                                                                                                                 Kim 

Photo by Karen Willis Holmes on Unsplash

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Kim Frazer

Kim Frazer is a messenger of beauty living inside out. She is an energy facilitator to heal old patterns and generate new open spaces. She has served as a professional make up artist and skin care consultant for 28 years in the beauty industry. She loves helping people shine their confidence in all they do through their individual energy and color. This is our unique self-expression. Our light begins on the inside and radiates to our outer glow. When you feel good on the inside it shows on the outside!
She has a servant's heart and is a certified coach in the new paradigm of servant leadership. She is serving humanity to uplevel authentic higher levels of consciousness through self-care practices that in turn generate self-love. She believes living inside out beauty begins with a daily practice of being all of you. Let your light shine to radiate more of the authentic you!
