Inflation about to get worse

The latest inflation figures recently released confirm what most of us already know. Inflation is bad and getting worse. In fact, it’s the worst in …...

Inflation about to get worse

The latest inflation figures recently released confirm what most of us already know. Inflation is bad and getting worse. In fact, it’s the worst in …...

Money Market Funds and thier High Yield

As inflation and world events unfold, in recent editions of Money Matters, I felt it necessary to cover Treasury bills, Cd’s, savings and checking accounts, …...

Into the economic rat hole

We often go into the weeds on economic issues here in Money Matters. Today, instead of going into the weeds however, we’ll go down the …...

The new weight loss drugs

Companies that sell snack foods, candy and similar gobbley goodies saw their stocks hammered last week, if not for a few weeks, and it wasn’t …...

The bad news about short rates

Rates on short term U.S. investments like CDs, savings accounts, T-Bills, Treasury notes and other instruments insured by the good faith and credit of U.S.  …...

Inflation nowhere under control

Many believe the current rise in prices is the result of lavish CoVid-19 relief payments to consumers which totaled in the trillions.  The amount was …...

How to balance warm & cool tones

Let’s first define warm and cool colors:  Warm colors include shades like red, orange, and yellow. These colors historically can evoke feelings of warmth and …...

Short term T bills

Looking at the three or six month Treasury bill (T-Bill), there is a lot to like.  Treasury bills, for those wondering, are just IOUs from …...

Inflation is here to stay

The latest figures on consumer spending show appliance sales slowing.  Home Depot, in their latest earnings call, stated sales on appliances costing over $1,000 were …...

The Nightmare that is Fire Insurance

Five years ago, I started hearing stories about people having their fire insurance cancelled.  After hearing repeated complaints, I finally decided to stop scratching my …...

Buying a used car

 A friend of mine called for my advice on how to buy a used car. I have previously covered how to buy a new …...