Minimalism: Keeping Your Sanity in this Time

We may think about becoming a minimalist during a time of crisis as we may learn to live with less out of necessity. Times like this quarantine …...

Minimalism: Keeping Your Sanity in this Time

We may think about becoming a minimalist during a time of crisis as we may learn to live with less out of necessity. Times like this quarantine …...

The Gouda Goddess

Who loves to host events or gatherings? Well, I certainly do, and I love being able to present something beautiful and yummy for any occasion.  …...

A breath of fresh air

One thing I am very passionate about since we purchased our home in 2019 is house plants, all types, the more unique and obscure the …...

2023 Trends

Trends can be fun and comical to witness in the world of design, not just in interiors but in fashion. Lately, I have seen a …...

Why work with an Interior Designer

Why work with an Interior Designer?  Interior Design is a luxury, being able to hire a designer is going to help one save time, and …...

Maximizeing your Kitchen storage potential

I grew up with a very organized mom, in fact, she designed her own kitchen when I was  young and I didn’t appreciate it until …...

Go-To: Colors

I talked about paint and colors in previous articles, but now I’d like to review my go-to paint colors. I think there are absolutely trendy …...

Flooring: What’s the best choice for your project

Decision fatigue is a real thing, especially in home renovation projects. Flooring is overwhelming to be blunt but not necessarily in the wrong way. We …...

New Year, New Colors!

I love the feeling of a fresh start. It gives me a little burst of energy. With a new year comes a handful of fun …...

How To: Select the correct countertop material!

How To: Select the correct countertop material. A very common question I get with a handful of answers. Overall, one has to assess the needs …...

How to: Gallery Wall.

How to: Gallery Wall.  A favorite area in so many homes is the gallery wall. It gives the occupant a chance to show off their …...